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Nokia E5 Display Light Jumper Ways

Nokia E5 Display Light Jumper Ways

Nokia E5 Display Light Jumper Ways
Nokia E5 Display Light Jumper Ways

Troubleshooting hints on Nokia E5 LCD display light problem :
  1. First try to replace the LCD screen display module.
  2. Check the LCD pin connector, clean, re-solder it if necessary
  3. Check/read the VBAT voltage across the inductor coil, check the inductor coil too, replace if found damaged
  4. Trace the connection line paths of VLED-, VLED+ and the switching line
  5. Check/ replace the resistors near the LED driver IC
  6. Rehot, rework or replace the LED driver IC

thumbnail Title: Nokia E5 Display Light Jumper Ways
Posted by:Unknown
Published :2012-11-29T21:03:00+07:00
Rating: 4.8
Reviewer: 877 Reviews
Nokia E5 Display Light Jumper Ways Nokia E5 Display Light Jumper Ways

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